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Thursday, April 21, 2016

Benefits and Efficacy Honeycomb (Propolis) for Health

Propolis Benefits and Benefits for Health


Bees are very many benefits, ranging from the properties of honey to a bee sting is painful also has its benefits (usually used for therapy).
But this time we will discuss are the properties of the honeycomb. Honeycomb or propolis is one good result of the bee, the bee hive contained various vitamins and minerals that are beneficial as antioxidants such as bioflavonoid. From the results of the study showed that eight million species of insects, only bees that had substance impenetrable immunity bacteria. To keep the nest, the colony of eggs, and the larvae of bees in it remains sterile and perfect eggs can hatch, bees produce bee propolis. Honeycomb or Propolis is made from materials collected by bees from flowers, young leaves or shoots of plants and tree bark. Then the bees processing with enzymes or saliva and mixed with wax in the hive and used to patch holes or cracks in the hive, as well as protect from the attack of bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Propolis is also a natural antibiotic that can help fight the disease, which can be useful to protect us from the threat of bacteria and viruses, to help control free radicals that can cause cancer, as well as the perfect nutritional source of food complete with unlimited potential.The content of Honeycomb / PropolisBased on chemical analysis, bee propolis is rich in various compounds that are antibiotic. Honeycomb have perfect hexagonal structure, formed of strands of mucous substances that come from their own body, in addition to containing a liquid honey also other liquids such as resin. One of the special ingredients contained in propolis is a bioflavonoid. Propolis contains protein (16 amino acids free), minerals, especially iron and zinc, vitamin A, B complex, C, D, E, Biotin, Bioflavonoids, Glucose, and substances other essential nutrients. Bioflavonoids have the ability to recover the system capillaries, improving brittleness and leakage of blood vessels. In one drop of propolis are bioflavonoids equivalent of 500 oranges. An estimated 200,000 bees only produced 20 grams of propolis in one year. Propolis can strengthen and accelerate the regeneration of cells, so that it can act as a remarkable healer.1. As Anti Fungus, Virus and Bacteria
 Viruses multiply in the protein layer. Over this layer is not broken, then the harmful substances from the virus will not harm the human body. This protein layer can protect it with the help of Bioflavonoid. Terakhiir research from the National Heart and Lung Institute in London showed that bioflavonoids propolis is able to destroy many bacteria that are resistant to anti-biotic synthesis.Propolis sensitive Staphyococcus, Streptococcus, E. coli, Ifluensa virus, Herpes, H.Pilori, Salmonella typhosa. Propolis is also sensitive to the fungus that causes the disease female (white) exim. 
2. Anti-Oxidant 
In all the metabolic processes of the body, especially the reaction with oxygen to form molecules that lack an electron (unpaired) on the outer skin. These substances called free radicals (free radicals) are very reactive and tends to attack normal cells that can give electrons.If this teradi the normal cells will give electrons will be deformed cells. If not destroyed by the immune system, the cells are defective will cause various diseases in accordance with the position where the defective cells that are in Antung jantung.Begitu will cause disease when there is a lung would cause lung disease and so on ,However besyukurlah us because God has provided a natural substance that voluntarily give electrons to neutralize free radicals. This substance is called a natural anti-oxidant and one of them contained in Propolis are Vitamins A, C, E and natural enzymes such as glutathione peroxydase (GPS), superoxida dismutate (SOD) and catalase. 
3. As an immune system stimulator (immuno stimulator) 
When the body's immune system decline, for example in patients with AIDS, many happen destruction of lymphocytes (T4-Cell), so patients eventually result infeksi.Begitu meninngal also with cancer patients in general have a weak immune system, due to toxin sitostatika danterapi tumor, radiation or surgery ,Immune Stimulator indirectly efficacious reactivate the immune system, with an increasing non-specific immune response, such as by multiplying Limfo-T4.NK-cell and stimulated macrophages and interleukin. The final effect of the complex reactions that are foreign substances that can be identified and destroyed, including cell; defects, viruses, and bacteria.Bioflavonoids role in this process is enhancing the immune system work by increasing the activity and increase Limfo-T and Macrophages are very useful in wiping out foreign substances in the body, such as fungus, viruses, bacteria-free cells. 
4. Atherosclerosis 
Atherosclerosis is the calcification of blood vessels by cholesterol contaminated by radical bebas.Kolesterol aringan mostly transported from the liver through the blood vessels in the form of LDL cholesterol. LDL cholesterol is oxidized by free radicals in the blood vessels to form oxy-LDL.Oksi-LDL is deposited on the walls of blood vessels and result in untreated tidk Atherosklerosis.Atherosklerosis which will cause various diseases, such as high blood pressure, coronary heart disease and stroke.
 5. Anti-Tumor
 Tumor cells are a group of disabled / free suddenly became uncontrollable, multiply rapidly and continuously.Defects in these cells caused by reduced anti-oxidant body to protect cells from free radical attack. 
6. As Anti Prostaglandin 
Stopping the activity of inflammation by inhibiting prostaglandin expenditure (hormones that cause inflammation).This effect which works on cases penyakitr rheumatoid arthritis (arthritis, gout), nephritis and others. 
7. Helping The regeneration of liver cells 
Hepatitis is a disease cirrhosis of the liver with the criteria:1.Matinya liver parenchymal cells2.Pembentukan actively connective tissue3.Proses regeneration of liver cells disrupted.Propolis, helping the regeneration of liver cells to work well and improve the immune system to eat the liver cells are already dead so as to reduce the formation of connective tissue (scar tissue). 
8. Diabetes mellitus (diabetes) 
Diabetes mellitus is a disease characterized by increasing levels of sugar in the blood due to decreased insulin production.Propolis stimulates pancreas cells to actively improve insulin so that glucose in the blood can be normal.Propolis sensitive to the cause pyloric ulcer disease and gastric ulcer (ulcers), also against E. coli (cause of diarrhea) and Salmonella typhosa (causes typhoid)
 9. Gastrointestinal Disorders
 Propolis sensitive to the cause pyloric ulcer disease and gastric ulcer (ulcers), also against E. coli (cause of diarrhea) and Salmonella typhosa (causes typhoid) 
10. Respiratory Disorders 
Propolis helps system pertahannan body fight chronic respiratory diseases such as tuberculosis, protects lung cells from radical damage bebas.Propolis also play a role in the treatment of asthma because of its performance as a bronchodilator (dilate bronchi), stabilizes mast cells and reduce costs Histamine. 
11. Heart and Blood Vessels 
Propolis can overcome the effects of free radicals on the heart, increasing the pumping power of the heart, preventing blood vessel stiffness (hypertension), to prevent the formation of thrombus (Stroke and Coronary Heart)
 12. Wound Care
 Propolis as a disinfectant bioflavonoids and vitamin C contained therein, fully contributes to wound healing by speeding tmbuhnya new network. 
13. Anti Stress
 Propolis can suppress the parasympathetic nervous system in order to express pleasure and suppress fear, relaxing, making it useful for people with mental disorders.

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