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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Introduction to HTML part 2

Introduction to HTML
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a code that became the basic realization of the web. Codes used in HTML called Tag.

1. Writing Structure
Writing tag can be performed on Notepade or other software, where the order of writing begins with the start tag and end tag end tag. The form of writing is:

<title> Design Web </title>

2. Images and Background
In order to view the Web are made to be more attractive, we can include the image into the HTML command, will serve as a background. Suggestions should write the image-making is done using Macromedia Flash MX software, please read Drawing in Flash MX. The writing system is:

<IMG SRC = "image file name"> to call a single image file
Body <background = "image file name"> to call the image file as a background

3. Fonts and List
Writing Fonts starting with the command <font ...> which can be followed by the size <font sizes>, face (the font on the windows system) and the color <font color>. While to produce List or called with Code can use OL <Ordered List> or unordered list <UL>, if the use ol means we order the list <number or alphabetic>

4. Table
The table is a view that contains the elements of rows and columns, to display tables in the homepage need some tag namely:
<Table> ... .... (/ table) To set the document table
<TR> ... ... ... (/ TR) To set the line (Table Row)
<TD> ... ... ... (/ TD) To set the column (Table Data)
<Yy> ... ... ... (/ yy) To set the Header (Table Header)
<Caption> ... .. (/ caption) To set the title of Table
<TD rowspan = "3"> to divide the lines merge (Merger row)
<TD Colspan = "3"> to divide the columns (colums Mergers)

5. Form
From used to beautify the look of the Web, which begins with the command tag <From> and end with </ form>. With this tag can make a guestbook, order forms, surveys, asking for comments or anything on the web site.
Basically, the html form has a form like this ....
<FORM> early form
<INPUT> ask for input using one of several ways ....
<INPUT> .... You can use whatever input you want
</ FORM> final form
Input forms <TYPE of <INPUT>>; The most commonly used in html form is TEXT. (INPUT TYPE = TEXT)
Each input requires a name (NAME). (INPUT TYPE = TEXT NAME = "ADDRESS")
In addition to the above type there are several types that can be used are: <input type = radio>, <input type = checkbox>,
Making Pull Down List.
For this type of input you are using <SELECT> as a replacement <INPUT>, and you must add the closing tag.
And can also use the command (textarea NAME = "COMMENT")
</ Textarea>

6. Frame
Frame is a command to display available on the home, which can be divided into several frames in accordance with the desired, whether vertical or horizontal.
<Frameset> ... (/ Frameset) To set the frame homepage
<Frame> ... (/ Frame) To fill and a frame
Cols and Rows To set row or column

7. Link
Link is connected with other objects, can be a Web Page, Picture, Sound, or to another server computer. Link is a difference between text mode HTML to other text. To be able to use command links Anchor element: <A> ... </ A> and additional HREF command.
For example, if there was an order:
<A HREF = "contoh.htm"> Go to Document Contoh.htm (/ A)
It means: That the phrase "Go to document Contoh.htm" will be marked (usually the bottom line) and if the mouse pointer is on the sentence, it will be drawing fingers.
Hyper link does not have writing, can also hyper link to an image or image: * <a href = "contoh.htm"> <img src = "gambar.gif> </ a> (Gambar.gif will be a hyper link to the document instance.

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